The surprising benefits of hiring a marketing consultant with experience outside of your industry


If you are thinking about hiring a marketing consultant, you have your work cut out for you. There are a ton of consultants out there and all of them have a unique background that they can pull from. As you are working your way through your options, you might think that hiring someone with a ton of experience in your specific industry is the way to go. Well, it might now be. Let's explore why having a marketing consultant with a mix of experiences from different fields could be the better business decision.


Steering Clear of the Industry Bubble:

Sure, industry-specific experience sounds like a safe bet, but it could be a bit of a trap. Consultants deeply rooted in one industry might bring some baggage – think recycled strategies and a bit of a 'been there, done that' vibe.


1.     Playing it Safe: Industry folks might stick to the usual playbook, missing out on some exciting and out-of-the-box ideas.


2.     Stuck in the Past: Old habits die hard. Industry-specific consultants might lean on what worked before, ignoring the cool and trendy stuff happening right now.


3.     Tunnel Vision: Too much focus on one industry can create a bit of a bubble. Consultants might miss out on some wild ideas just because they're not the industry norm.


Embracing the Mix:

Now, let's talk about why shaking things up with a consultant who's dabbled in different industries can be a great thing for your business.


1.     Thinking Outside the Box: Diverse experience means a diverse set of ideas. Consultants with a mix of industries under their belt can bring a fresh perspective to your marketing game.


2.     Picking Up Tricks: Learning from different industries means your consultant can spot trends and strategies that your competitors might not even know about.


3.     Rolling with the Punches: Consultants with varied experience are like chameleons – they adapt quickly to changes. No more being stuck in the same old routine.


4.     Jack of All Trades: Dealing with challenges is a piece of cake for a consultant who's been around the block in different industries. If they’re good at what they do, they've got problem-solving skills for days.



The idea that you need a consultant with deep experience in your industry might not be the automatic golden ticket that you might think it is. Be open to someone with a mix of experiences and see what they can bring to the table. When it's time to bring in a marketing whiz, it’s always good to think beyond the usual suspects and trust in the strategic partner with a bunch of different experiences. Success might just be a different perspective away.

Dan Ritzke